Baby lying on a blanket


Paediatric Physiotherapy Service


Physical Development is the growth and development of both the brain and the body from birth through early childhood.

Physical Development

Physical Development is the growth and development of both the brain and the body from birth through early childhood. It includes development of the muscles and the senses.


Although there are some general patterns of development, each child is unique in their progression.


Genetics influence development, but so do the child’s experiences, and progression can be influenced by what they are experiencing around them.


A baby’s brain depends on these external stimulations to form new neurological connections.


Parental care and basic needs, culture and a child’s personality will all influence their physical development.


It is good to remember that prematurity, disability or health concerns will not change a child’s instinctive desires to move.


As infants and toddlers grow their determination to master new movements, balance and fine and gross motor skills remains strong.


The development of movement and skills also influences attention, thinking and memory skills.


Gross motor skills include large movements, like rolling and crawling and later on running jumping, and climbing.


Fine motor skills, use small muscle groups in the hand for small movements to enable activities such as pointing. Clapping, writing, cutting, opening and closing zips and buttons.



To support a child in their physical development here are some useful resources:

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