Keeping Well and Warm 
The Keeping Well and Warm project enhances the support given to our patients, their carers and staff who support them. It has one simple aim, to bridge the gap between the community health care services and the additional support given to those most vulnerable in our society.
The project is a partnership between Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (BCHC) Charity and the safeguarding team from Cadent Gas who are able to support projects such as these through the Vulnerability and Carbon Monoxide Allowance (VCMA).
The project is being delivered by the Direct Access to Wellbeing (DAWs) Team within the charity and supports the charity objective of helping people live better for longer by supporting people to be well and warm at home.
Watch this space for information on any DAWS Team events you can attend to access resources, information, and practical tips on keeping well and warm. Read about our launch event here.
The DAWs Team has many levels to the support that they can offer to individuals, including staff and patients within BCHC as well as members of the public. The main aim is to support those most vulnerable and in need in our local communities and ensure they have access to the wider support available.
From supporting individuals while in the care of BCHC, following discharge to home, at community events or through referrals from our partners, the DAWs Team will be on hand to offer advice and guidance, along with practical measures to support people to live better for longer and to be well and warm at home.
Some of the things we can offer:
- Health and wellbeing guidance and signposting including early health messages such as healthy eating, oral health and falls prevention.
- Awareness of BCHC health services and the wider NHS Support available
- Energy saving tricks and tips and provision of energy saving equipment (where applicable)
- Signposting for those living in fuel poverty and resources to support (where applicable)
- Simple benefit checks and signposting for further support
- Registration onto the Priority Service Register (PSR) (where applicable)
- Provision of carbon monoxide (CO) alarms and advice regarding CO
Our Community Wellbeing Officers (CWO’s) will have links to experts in the local area and the additional services that are being provided by our partners across the city. If an individual needs information or additional support outside of what the DAWs Team can offer, our CWO’s will be able to signpost individuals to the relevant services.
For information on CO awareness, take a look at the following videos:
Carbon Monoxide Awareness (British Sign Language) (
Hindi - Carbon Monoxide risks in the home (
Bangla Carbon Monoxide Video (
BCHC Charity and the DAWs Team are incredibly lucky to be working with some amazing partners, including:
If you or someone you know needs support with any of the above, please get in touch: or 0121 466 7151