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Dental Services

Concerns and Compliments

Specialist, referral-based dental services delivered at Birmingham Dental Hospital and other community locations.

Concerns and Compliments

Listening to you

The Dental Services Division is constantly working to ensure you leave your visit to Birmingham Dental Hospital or one of our community clinics feeling happy and satisfied with the service you have received.

To enable us to continue to do this by making us aware of any improvements you feel need to be made or advise us of an area of the service you feel works really well, we encourage our patients or any visitors to contact the Dental Services Patient Experience Team with feedback – both positive and negative.

Your feedback helps us to:

  • Understand what is important to our patients;
  • Support you with any difficulties you may be having;
  • Highlight which issues need to be reviewed and improved;
  • Showcase what we are doing right as individuals and as a service.

If you do wish to contact the team for support to resolve any concerns or inform us of a compliment you have regarding your care or experience, you can do so by using the contact methods displayed above, please visit our 'contact us' page.


Friends and Family Forms

Your feedback is important to us, it helps us improve our services. We capture feedback using an online patient feedback review website called iWantGreatCare. You can also complete a paper feedback form when you visit one of our sites.

dental services feedback QR code


Standard Survey

This survey is applicable for all Dental Services that operate over Birmingham, Dudley, Sandwell and Walsall.


 Accessible format

This survey is applicable for all Dental Services that operate over Birmingham, Dudley, Sandwell and Walsall. The options have been simplified for use.


Patient Engagement Forum – get involved!

We are keen to interact with our patients and visitors through our virtual / video Patient Engagement Forum. This forum gives individuals the opportunity to express their opinions, provide vital feedback and be involved in contributing to the improvement of service delivery and therefore increase positive patient experiences.

If you wish to be involved, please register your interest by emailing quoting ‘Register me for a future event’ in the email subject line or alternatively calling 0121 466 5123.


Patient Engagement Forum poster

Our patients and their carers and families are the reason we're here, so we want to hear your views about the Trust and our services.