Advice to patients:
- Following Extractions and Oral Surgery [pdf] 2MB
- Biopsy [pdf] 352KB
- Medication: Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ) [pdf] 570KB
- Myofacscial Pain Dysfunction (MPDS) [pdf] 573KB
- Tooth Decay [pdf] 287KB
- Benefits of Excellent Oral Hygiene [pdf] 3MB
- How to Use Your Medication [pdf] 418KB
- Oroantral Fistula (OAF) [pdf] 755KB
- Exercises to Improve the Function of the Jaw Joints and Reduce Pain [pdf] 128KB
- Botox for Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) and Masseteric Hypertrophy [pdf] 159KB
- Inhalation Sedation [pdf] 516KB
- Intravenous Sedation (Propofol) [pdf] 2MB
- Intravenous Sedation (Outreach) [pdf] 1MB
- Patient Escort Information for Patients Having Treatment Under Intravenous Sedation [pdf] 378KB
- Replacement of Missing Teeth [pdf] 3MB
- X-Rays: How Safe Are They? [pdf] 2MB
- Oncology [pdf] 690KB