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Corporate Information


Engagement Strategy

Publications we produce as part of our statutory responsibility to provide clear and accessible information about our services and the ways in which they are delivered.

Engagement image

Engagement strategy

Engaging with, and involving people is an integral part in the design and delivery of NHS services. People are routinely asked for their views, about their experience of services, to contribute to staff training and to be members of NHS Foundation Trusts.


Key national and local policy drivers make it clear that we must carry on embedding this good practice in all that we do. By inviting the views and opinions of patients, service users, carers, members and local people, organisational decision making will be better informed.


This document describes how Birmingham Community Healthcare will actively engage with, involve, and consult with our patients, their families and carers, members, the public and other key stakeholders to evaluate existing services and when redesigning services. It is a guide and tool to ensure that the patient voice is central to what we do as an organisation.


BCHC Engagement Strategy

Our patients and their carers and families are the reason we're here, so we want to hear your views about the Trust and our services.