

Nutrition and Dietetic Services

Referral information

We provide nutrition services across Birmingham for conditions including diabetes, malnutrition, stomach and digestive problems, allergies, food sensitivity and obesity.

Nutrition and Dietetic Services referral forms

Welcome to our referral pages. Please find the relevant referral form for the service you require, complete and send back to us using the instructions on each form.


To refer children  

Please use the Paediatric Nutrition Referral form to refer children who meet the Paediatric Nutrition Referral Criteria:

Paediatric Nutrition Referral Criteria

Paediatric Nutrition Referral Form



To refer adults

Please use the Adult General (Primary Care) Referral form to refer those who meet the Adult Referral Criteria (unless requiring a home visit or resident in a care home):

Adult Referral Criteria Summary

Adult General (Primary Care) Referral Form

Adult (Nursing / Residential Home) Referral Form


Please use the NST Referral form to refer those who meet the Nutrition Support Referral Criteria, link below  

Referral Criteria Nutrition Support

Specialist Community Gastroenterology Service Referral Criteria

Nutrition Support Team Referral Form

Nutrition Nurse Referral



Changes to Weight Management 

There has been a significant reduction in the allocation of funding for Public Health from 2016 onwards which has affected some of our services. As a result of these cuts, Birmingham Community Nutrition no longer accepts referrals for: 

  • Weight management for adults, except for a small service for those requiring Specialist Weight Management (See adult referral criteria below)
  • Weight Management for children
  • Referrals from health visitors and school nurses to see children for faltering growth

We are sorry that we are no longer able to offer these services. However you may find the following sources of information useful:

  • The Change for Life website               
  • The NHS choices website
  • National Public Health Lifestyles website – One You.
  • Commercial weight loss support groups, such as Weight Watchers, Slimming World.
  • British Dietetic Association Food Fact sheets.  Simple information sheets providing advice

 Or please see our resources page.


If you have any comments or queries about the lack of weight management services, we recommend that you email or you can write to Birmingham Lifestyles, PO Box 16732, Birmingham B2 2GF.

Our patients and their carers and families are the reason we're here, so we want to hear your views about the Trust and our services.