

Nutrition and Dietetic Services

Specialist Weight Management

Our specialist weight management service is a multidisciplinary team that support people to lose weight.

Specialist Weight Management Programme

Welcome to the BCHC Specialist Weight Management Programme, we look forward to supporting you.


You will receive appointment letters and emails from us, please telephone 0121 683 2300 and update your email address if needed.


If you can’t attend your appointments or have any concerns – please call 0121 683 2300 to discuss with the team.  If you don’t le tus know and don’t attend, you will be discharged from the service (your referral will be closed).


Videos for each healthy lifestyle session are on the YouTube Channel for BCHC Specialist Weight Management called @SWM-BCHC (link:



The videos are called: “Session 1 – BCHC Healthy Lifestyle”, “Session 2 – BCHC Healthy Lifestyle”,  we can supply the rest. You will need to watch the video before each meeting.

Our patients and their carers and families are the reason we're here, so we want to hear your views about the Trust and our services.