Winter Support Bags for Vulnerable Patients | Our News

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Winter Support Bags for Vulnerable Patients

Patients holding Winter support bags

The idea for the project was brought to the Charity by former Chief of Nursing and Therapies, Marcia Perry, and was subsequently developed alongside the District Nurses. The patients receive a bag containing a fleecy blanket, hot water bottle, vacuum flask with soup and chocolate sachets, and a pair of thermal socks. Given the cost of living crisis, it is a worrying time for a lot of our patients and the project has helped over 550 people so far to keep warm over the winter. 

Lead Nurse Sommer Matthews said, “Whilst the patients are frail and vulnerable, they have lived a life and have wonderful stories and experiences to share with the nurses. It is the best job in the world as it is such a privilege to be invited into their homes and have the opportunity get to know them over a period of time and to make things a little better for them”.

Many patients on the District Nursing caseload are living alone in fuel poverty. Given the economic situation, with a cost of living emergency being declared by Birmingham City Council in September 2022, there are very real worries about vulnerable patients affording to keep warm in the winter. The support bags provide those in need with means to keep warm and comfortable during the colder months. BCHC Charity would like to offer our sincere thanks to all the donors for this project, which has made a huge difference to patients across the city.

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