Trusts announce joint digital services director | Our News

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Trusts announce joint digital services director

Following a joint recruitment process across both trusts, Birmingham Community Healthcare and Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Trust (BSMHFT) are pleased to announce the appointment of Carl Beet as joint director of digital services/chief information officer.

Carl is currently director of ICT and programmes and chief information officer at BSMHT and will transition to the new role with immediate effect.

The appointment of a joint leadership role across both organisations is an exciting opportunity to further develop our approach to integrated, collaborative working, particularly considering the importance of the digital agenda in supporting the further development of integrated teams across our community.  

The role will also provide strategic leadership for both BSMHT and BCHC across the digital portfolio, allow for closer collaboration across a number of our clinical systems and provide BSMHT and BCHC with an increasing opportunity to help shape the digital agenda across the integrated care system (ICS).

It is also important to note that the appointment of Carl is not an intention to see the merger of the two digital teams, although it is anticipated that this will lead to closer working between teams and colleagues.

We are sure you will join us in welcoming Carl to this exciting new role and look forward to sharing some of the exciting developments as we progress together.

Joint statement issued by:

Chris Holt (chief transformation officer, BCHC)
Dave Tomlinson (director of finance, BSMHT).

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