Suzanne Cleary appointed Deputy Chief Executive Officer | Our News

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Suzanne Cleary appointed Deputy Chief Executive Officer

Suzanne smiling

Our Chief Executive and the Trust Board have been working to ensure that we develop our Executive team structure to be ready for the year ahead. 

Following an open process across the team, we are pleased to be able to announce that Suzanne Cleary, our Chief Officer for Strategy and Partnerships, has been appointed Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO). 

In addition to her current responsibilities, Suzanne will lead our system-wide work with partners to transform services for children and young people and will work to ensure that our efforts to embed an organisational culture based on our values, the Team BCHC Way and our commitment to promoting health equity all have maximum impact. 

Suzanne smiling

Suzanne said:

“I am delighted to be taking on the responsibilities of Deputy CEO in addition to my role as Chief Officer for Strategy and Partnerships. Having worked at BCHC for almost six years and for the NHS in Birmingham for 24 years, it will be a real privilege to represent BCHC in the wider system work to improve services for children and young people. I am also looking forward to having greater involvement in work to improve our culture, ensuring that improvements are felt by all colleagues so that we can all be proud to say that BCHC is a ‘Great Place to Work’”.

The Deputy CEO role in its current format is a 12-month appointment to help us focus on particular challenges through the year ahead, we will look again at what the organisation needs during 2026.

Please join us in extending our congratulations to Suzanne. 

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