Spotlight on a Speech and Language Therapist Apprentice | Our News

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Spotlight on a Speech and Language Therapist Apprentice

This is a picture of Speech and Language Therapist , Simone Bettam working

This is a photo of speech and language therapist, Simone BettamAs part of our National Apprenticeship Week celebrations, we spoke with Speech and Language Therapist apprentice, Simone Bettam, who has worked for the Trust since 2012 and began her apprenticeship journey following a conversation with her line manager.

I had always wanted to work within Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) but being a mature student with teenage children, I was unsure. It was then when I moved teams and became an assistant practitioner that I first learned that BCHC were planning on introducing an SLT apprenticeship programme and after having a chat with my manager, things eventually fell into place, and I started to achieve my dream.

I am now in my third year of learning, having started in 2023 and have continued to grow and develop immensely. I really thought that I would find it overwhelming but the support from my amazing team, my course and my peer learners from across the country has been amazing.

My course learning style is face-to-face which has really helped my confidence and the opportunities I have been given thanks to my apprenticeship have been fantastic. Throughout my course, I have been able to complete a variety of placements allowing me to explore the many SLT routes the Trust have to offer, do more within SLT and gain skills required for this career.

I believe the apprenticeship route was meant to be, I have truly loved any minute and I don’t think I would have had the confidence to make this step through the traditional route.

Do you want to become a speech and language therapist apprentice like Simone?

Find out how you can apply today!

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