So long, Sue! | Our News

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So long, Sue!

Sue Sheehan pictured next to the "stores" sign at Moseley Hall Hospital

When Sue Sheehan walked into Moseley Hall Hospital to ask for work, she had no idea it would lead to a career at the hospital spanning nearly four decades.

But having recently retired from her last role as stores administrator, Sue has a host of memories and friendships gathered since that day in 1987 when she landed a job as a domestic worker.

“I’d heard there were some jobs going and so I just walked in and asked the domestic manager if there were any jobs available during school hours because my son was five at the time,” remembers the 67-year-old grandmother-of-two.

As stores administrator, Sue’s duties included ensuring clinical teams across the Trust have the medical supplies and equipment they need, ensuring she became a well-known and popular character right across the Trust.

Sue says she has many fond memories of Moseley Hall, but is looking forward to spending more time with her family.

“It’s been a great place to work and I’ll miss seeing colleagues every day,” she says.

“But I’m looking forward to spending more time with the grandchildren – I’ve got four holidays booked and it’s nice to know I can just go away when I want without having to ask for annual leave!”Sue Sheehan receiving a staff award in 2010.

Rehabilitation co-ordinator Cathy Dowling said: “Sue has has been an integral part of Team BCHC.

“Sue is well-known throughout Moseley Hall Hospital by so many people and has always been so helpful, full of knowledge, supportive, kind and caring. She will be missed by all those that had the pleasure of coming into contact with her.

“Her diligence and care has been greatly appreciated by the many suppliers who have worked with Sue, who still have great affection for her – we still get people asking where she is and when is she returning!”

David Disley-Jones

Communications Manager,
Communications Team

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