Research opportunity for people over 60 | Our News

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Research opportunity for people over 60

Hand on a walking stick

Are you over 60 years of age? Are you having problems with your walking or walking more slowly than before?

If so, we are looking for people to take part in a study.  All participants will take part in an exercise programme to improve walking and muscle strength, half the participants will also receive a protein drink to help build muscles. 

Weekly Classes will be held at West Heath Hospital, Rednal Road. Birmingham B38 8HR  for 16 weeks. 

This study will help find out if adding protein to your diet makes the exercise programme work better.

If you want to find out more then please speak to our local research nurses, Claire Williams 07895 332 442 or Lucy Booth 07842 320 605.

Our patients and their carers and families are the reason we're here, so we want to hear your views about the Trust and our services.

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