NHS leaders visit neighbourhood health hub transforming healthcare in the Midlands | Our News

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NHS leaders visit neighbourhood health hub transforming healthcare in the Midlands

NHS England’s Chair Richard Meddings and staff members at BCHC

NHS England’s Chair Richard Meddings and Primary Care Medical Director Dr Claire Fuller visited East Birmingham Locality Hub recently to discover how it is transforming services to prevent patients needing hospital care or reduce their stay in hospital by providing treatment they need in the community.

The East Birmingham Locality Hub and work of the wider Community Care Collaborative aligns closely with the Government’s vision to shift care from hospitals to communities.

Based at Washwood Heath Health and Wellbeing Centre, the Hub is part of Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care System’s  Community Care Collaborative. Led by Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, the Collaborative is a partnership between primary, acute, community, mental health, social care and ambulance services, as well as the community and voluntary sector.

The Hub is home to an integrated neighbourhood team of nurses, doctors, social workers, paramedics, physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals who work together to ensure people can access the care they need at the right place and time.

During the visit, the national NHS leaders met staff and patients at the Hub’s newly launched Respiratory Same Day Emergency Care Service – operated by University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust - which provides people across Birmingham and Solihull aged 17 and over with quick and easy access to specialist respiratory care in the community and helps avoid the need for hospital care. This is a bespoke service comprising respiratory consultants and specialist respiratory nurses, in a community setting to improve patient pathways and experience.

Richard Meddings, NHS England Chair, said: 

“Every day I see how committed and innovative NHS staff are at finding ways to do things differently to improve care for patients, but we know we need to make sure these ideas are spread across the country and the  10 Year Health Plan  provides the perfect opportunity to do that.

“A key part of the plan will be how we can shift more care out of hospitals and into the community. Teams in East Birmingham have already made great progress to do this through their neighbourhood hubs which have a range support for patients close to their homes.”

Lorraine Galligan, Deputy CEO and Chief of Nursing and Therapies, Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, said:

“We were delighted to showcase how staff from all areas of health and social care are coming together to help local people live longer and healthier lives in their own homes and communities.

“Our innovative approach is truly transforming care to ensure we are making a real difference to improve healthcare for citizens in Birmingham and Solihull."

NHS England’s Chair Richard Meddings and staff members at BCHC

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