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Integrated neighbourhood teams - care and support closer to home

Occupational therapist Amy Bond and neighbourhood expert Leila Yafai

‘Live’ for more than two months, the east and west Birmingham integrated neighbourhood teams are already making a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of local people.

Occupational therapist Amy Bond and neighbourhood expert Leila Yafai (pictured), from the east team, have shared the story of how the new approach is helping one high NHS service user live more safely and independently in his own home.

With a history of strokes and brain injury, 46-year-old Paul often missed GP appointments and attended the local emergency department on a regular basis as a result of falls at home.

Amy visited Paul at his home to find out how the INT could help. She discovered he was unable to move safely around his home, which is why he fell so often.

Paul was missing his GP appointments as he found it difficult to get to them independently. He was also struggling with his medication.

She arranged for a physiotherapy assessment to be done and for adaptations to be made to his home. Leila stepped in to arrange for Paul to have a medication review and also found him a community transport provider to get him to his GP appointments.

As a result of the team’s help and support, Paul had not had to visit the emergency department and was seeing his GP on a regular basis.

David Disley-Jones

Communications Manager,
Communications Team

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