Happy International Women's Day! | Our News

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Happy International Women's Day!

Four staff members smiling

Today is a day where we champion a gender equal world, celebrate women of the past and present and look to the future to drive meaningful change. 

Team BCHC is proud to employ a workforce where over 70% identify as women. Today, we will be sharing videos from colleagues across the Trust who each explain what International Women’s Day means to them and why marking it is so important.

Suzanne Cleary, Chief Officer for Strategy and Partnerships and Executive Sponsor for the Women’s Equality Network explains how BCHC has listened to our female cohort and made efforts to improve their experience working with, us such as...

•    Offering free sanitary products for everybody
•    Having policies that support maternity, childcare and menopause
•    Stronger support with lone working through our Staff Side Sessions
•    Implementing a Sexual Safety Charter
•    Holding regular Women’s Network meetings where staff can express their thoughts in a safe space.

Kia Whitcombe, Bank Admin at Priestley Wharf explains what female equality looks like to her. Kia champions celebrating days like International Women’s Day, encouraging us all to be more supportive of one another in order to drive meaningful change. 

Joanne Leci, Safeguarding Adult Lead shares the number of safeguarding policies we have at the Trust that aims to protect members of staff. 

Joanne recognises the significance of days like today for women and emphasises that although we have come a long way in terms of supporting women as a society, there is still more work that needs to be done. 

Thanking the Safeguarding team, Joanne also takes the time to acknowledge their fantastic work when dealing with challenging issues each and every day for the benefit of others. 

Finally, Richard Kirby, Chief Executive, shares his gratitude to the women across Team BCHC this International Women’s Day. Richard said:

“Day in day out, we couldn’t provide the care that we do without the contribution that you make.”


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