Free Family Fun Heritage in Health Event! | Our News

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Free Family Fun Heritage in Health Event!

Heritage in Health event, Thursday 17 August 2023, 10.00 am to 2.00 pm, Moseley Hall Hospital

The Charity Team are joining up with the Moseley Society to bring you and your family a free fun event taking place on Thursday 17th August 10am-2pm at the Dovecote, Alcester Road, B13 8JL.


You can explore the Dovecote, cow shed and gardens on the site as well as find out about the local history from the Moseley Society members. There will be a guided heritage walk taking place at 11am and 1pm which will give you access to more of the site and also share how the site has changed over the years and how BCHC charity helps make a difference for patients at Moseley Hall Hospital.


There will be an opportunity to get involved with our volunteer taster sessions including gardening and litter picking, helping us maintain the Dovecote and surrounding area for all to enjoy.


Children will also have lots to do with an opportunity to take part in our kid’s heritage hunt as well as heritage themed music and arts and crafts. We will also be exploring the heritage of the NHS including the history and importance of hand washing.


BCHC Charity have helped enhance the care and experience of patients at Moseley Hall Hospital since becoming an active charity in 2016, by providing trolley TVs to Ward 6 to alleviate boredom and provide entertainment, funding communication aids on Ward 9’s inpatient neurological rehabilitation unit to help patients share their thoughts and needs with staff, installing a raised flowerbed in the Ward 7 garden to aid with gardening as therapy, and much more!


This event is being provided free of charge for the hospital staff, patients, and community to enjoy but if you would like to make a donation to help us with our mission of bringing a smile to patients and their families please visit our JustGiving page: BCHC Charity - JustGiving


For more information about the event or BCHC Charity please contact the Charity Team on or phone 0121 466 7314

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