Earn while you learn with BCHC | Our News

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Earn while you learn with BCHC

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Apprenticeships are available to both substantive and new recruits at all bands: clinical and non-clinical employees of BCHC.  


As an employer with a £2m levy from the Department for Education, Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) supporting employees learning, you are able to undertake an apprenticeship programme (subject to meeting eligibility checks) from Level 2 to 7. We use a number of training providers and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to deliver the learning, including ourselves (BCHC).  


Lorraine Bird, Functional Skills Specialist said: “BCHC NHS Foundation Trust secured a Good Ofsted Rating in 2023 for our apprenticeship provision. We currently deliver Dental Nursing Level 3, Customer Service Practitioner Level 2 and starting in May 2024, Business Administrator Level 3. Our current Customer Service Practitioner Level 2 course has attracted apprentices both new to the Trust and experienced members of staff. The learning environment that has been created has supported knowledge, skills, and behaviours for individuals from a wide range of disciplines. The apprenticeship has been delivered in an interactive format using a wide range of teaching activities and resources.”


Humaira Mahmood, apprenticeHumaira Mahmood, who is part of the customer service cohort delivered by BCHC became an apprentice at the beginning of 2023 after attending one of our open days. She had always wanted to work for the NHS and had conducted lots of research on how to ‘open the door’ to a career that would help her achieve her dream. 


Humaira was at college when she first found out about the apprenticeship programme as she explains: “College wasn’t going as planned so my mom suggested an apprenticeship and that is how I found this role and although I was nervous about applying, I was so excited about the journey that was ahead of me. Once I had applied, I was able to come in for a few trials – I didn’t even know that the NHS had offices and had to be shown where to go. 


“Since joining the Early Intervention Team (EICT), I have come out of my shell, I’ve grew in confidence and I used to be a very quiet person, now I can’t stop talking. When I first started, I was very stressed and I don’t like change but now I am used to it and get better each day and now I have colleagues shadowing me, I can answer the phone with a smile, and I really enjoy the work I am doing, and the classes I participate in at Moseley Hall Hospital.


“I would absolutely recommend an apprenticeship! It is a good starting point and is great to learn on the job. Thanks to my apprenticeship I am a proud member of BCHC and I am really enjoying it.”


Visit the Institution for Apprenticeships and Technical Education for full list of approved Apprenticeships available. 


For more information, please email bchc.apprenticeships@nhs.net

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