Digital health assessments | Our News

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Digital health assessments

Phone displaying BCHC digital health assessment app

Birmingham Community Healthcare is trialling a new system of digital health assessments. Patients on a waiting list for one of our clinical services may receive a text message asking them to complete a short health survey so that a healthcare professional can assess whether or not they still need an appointment..

This is part of a trial of a new system for managing our waiting lists more efficiently.

Anyone who receives a message from +447860039092 can be assured that this is a trusted mobile number and may safely open the message, click on links in it and answer any questions asked, with our thanks - they will be Hplaying a valued part in helping us provide a better service for all our patients.


Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I don’t complete the form?

You will remain on the waiting list for treatment and we will be in touch when an appointment is available.

I’m a parent or guardian, can I complete the form on behalf of someone else?

The form will be sent to the patient or patients proxy mobile number. You can complete the form on behalf of someone else, but you will need to know their details to pass the validation questions.

I’ve been unable to pass the verification steps to access the form, what should I do?

This may mean we hold out-of-date information about you. Don’t worry - not completing the form doesn’t impact on your place on the waiting list. You will remain on the waiting list for treatment and we will be in touch when an appointment is available.
We recommend you update your details next time you contact a health professional.

David Disley-Jones

Communications Manager,
Communications Team

Our patients and their carers and families are the reason we're here, so we want to hear your views about the Trust and our services.

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