Bronze and silver haul for BCHC at national illustration awards | Our News

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Bronze and silver haul for BCHC at national illustration awards

Cartoon of ambulance containing patients.

The BCHC clinical illustration team has scooped 15 awards in the Institute of Medical Illustrators’ annual awards.

Sally McCarthy before and after dental photographyFrom more than 400 entries, judges awarded BCHC nine silvers and six bronzes in the awards, which recognise and showcase excellence in clinical photography, healthcare design and clinical video.

Clinical illustration manager Katie Owen said: “Our team is a diverse, multi-skilled group of professionals - bound together by art, medicine and science - who provide an extensive clinical and non-clinical illustration service for BCHC.

“The IMI receives hundreds of submissions for these awards – it’s very competitive, so this is a great achievement.

“Seeing the Institute of Medical Illustrators recognise the high quality work the team produces gives me great pride in the team.“

Winners will be formally presented with their awards at the annual IMI conference this month in Cardiff.

Serena Shandley dental photo close-up

Say It graphic device - IMI award winner

David Disley-Jones

Communications Manager,
Communications Team

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