BCHC launches its International Staff Forum | Our News

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BCHC launches its International Staff Forum

Attendees at the International Staff Forum


BCHC recently launched its International Staff Forum with an event held at Birmingham City Football Club that provided staff with the opportunity to network and communicate how the Trust can support them going forward.

Over the years BCHC has been a major employer outside of the UK which has heightened in recent years due to our international recruitment programme. The forum was created as a part of our commitment to be a great place to work, but also to provides a safe space for internationally recruited colleagues to network, share knowledge, develop, seek support and engage with the wider trust and the communities in Birmingham.

The event began with a warm welcome from Gwen Gerald Briscoe (Associate Director of Nursing) and Paul McArdle (Associated Director of Therapies) to all our international staff that have joined BCHC within the past year.

The forum featured speakers on Equality and Inclusion, Patient Safety, Organizational Development and Freedom to Speak Up. There were opportunities for attendees to partake in some learning activity (such as understanding abbreviations regularly used in a medical setting).

Feedback and evaluations during and following the event has been positive, with staff who attended acknowledging the need for the platform and providing ideas that will support their development, as well as help shape and improve BCHCs international recruitment processes.

“The international recruited staff forum was established to provide our colleagues with a safe place to network, share, learn and celebrate. It is envisaged that the forum will develop into a uniquely supportive, lifelong learning arena that is co designed and delivered by our international recruits” said Gwen.

The International Staff Forum is open to all staff recruited internationally, irrespective of the time in which they were employed by BCHC.  We encourage all of our internationally recruited colleagues to attend and be a part of shaping the future of international staff recruitment in BCHC.

The date of the next International Staff Forum will be shared soon.

Our patients and their carers and families are the reason we're here, so we want to hear your views about the Trust and our services.

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