BCHC staff treating an adult patient


Adults' Services

Falls and Fracture Prevention Service

A community-based falls prevention service aimed at adults aged 60 and above who have fallen within the past 12 months.

About the service



We are a community based falls service providing a falls assessment within the person's own home.


This service is aimed at adults aged 60 and above who have fallen.


You must also have a GP within the Central and West or East and North area of Birmingham.



Who provides it?

Falls assessment is carried out in the person's own home, by the falls team.  Within East and North and Central and West there are physiotherapists and occupational therapists who work with patients.



What happens at your appointment?

For East and North / Central and West

Following telephone contact/letter to arrange an acceptable appointment date and time, you will be visited at home and a falls multidisciplinary assessment completed. Following this a personalised goal plan will be agreed with you.


Our team consists of physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nurse and therapy assistants. You may also be referred onwards to other services such as podiatry, social services and lymphedema. You may also be offered verbal lifestyle advice which is followed up with a personalised advice sheet and leaflets/booklets. Finally a letter will be sent to your GP informing him/her of any recommendations/interventions.



Information for carers and family members

There is an open referral system into our service.  Referrals typically come from GP’s, district nurses, paramedics, physiotherapists and social workers.


If you have any questions regarding a referral or require further support following assessment please contact the service on the contact details provided on the right hand side.



For professionals

There is an open referral system to our service and we accept referrals from all health professionals, social care and health, residential/nursing homes and the voluntary sector. Once an appointment becomes available they will be contacted by telephone or letter to arrange a convenient date and time for the falls assessment at their home.



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