BCHC staff treating an adult patient


Adults' Services

Diabetes Service

The Diabetes Service offers a multidisciplinary team approach for adults with diabetes, with clinics staffed by Consultant Diabetologists, Diabetes Specialist Nurses and Specialist Diabetes Dietitians.

About our service

The diabetes service offers a comprehensive service for adults with diabetes.


The service provides a multidisciplinary team approach, with clinics staffed by Consultant Diabetologists, Diabetes Specialist Nurses and Specialist Diabetes Dietitians.


Under the ‘New Models of Care’ concept the Diabetes Service is also commissioned to provide virtual and face to face clinics – where a Consultant and Diabetes Specialist Nurse attend the GP practice and offer advice, education and management plans for identified patients by the practice.


The service also provides a comprehensive range of structured patient education programmes for patients with Type 1 or 2 diabetes.



Who is it for?

The service’s aim is to offer support to all adults registered with a Birmingham GP who have Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and who have poorly controlled diabetes and are at risk of complications, whether that is due to a raised HbA1c (click here for further explanation of HbA1c), weight management issues, problems with injection sites and injection technique or other diabetes related problems.



Key Services

The team provides highly specialist treatment, advice and training in:

  • Consultant led multidisciplinary diabetes clinics in the community
  • Dietetic session, one to one dietetic consultations. 
  • Comprehensive diabetes care that includes:
    • insulin and GLP-1 analogues initiation, titration and self-management 
    • insulin pump and Intensive Type 1 reviews 
    • assessment and titration of oral hypoglycaemic agents 
    • flash glucose monitoring initiation via online webinars or one to one appointment.
    • continuous glucose monitoring initiation and monitoring
    • blood glucose monitoring training
    • support to the inpatient diabetes nurses.
  • Diabetes Home Care Plan
    • DSN support at home for house bound diabetes patients
    • DSN support at Care Homes and Nursing Homes – for individual patient care and education of care home staff
  • GP/Practice Nurse support through:
    • virtual clinics
    • telephone advice/email advice
    • in-practice teaching
    • GP workshops, Master classes
    • Warwick certificate course



Diabetes Education Programmes

DAFNE (Type 1)

DAFNE (Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating) is a five day skills-based structured education patient programme in intensive insulin therapy and self management for people with Type 1 diabetes. This course can be accessed by attending one day a week for five weeks or weekly Monday – Friday, online or face to face.

Patients must have  type 1 diabetes for a least six months, be aged 18 or older, must speak and have a good understanding of English, be willing to inject insulin and test their blood glucose at least 4 times daily, and be comfortable being in a group. DAFNE Pump is also provided for patients with Type 1 diabetes using an Insulin Pump and is accessed weekly, Monday – Friday.



The local X-PERT programme is a six-week group diabetes education programme for patients with Type 2 diabetes. You will learn all about the up-to-date treatments and management of diabetes and will have the opportunity to explore and address problems/issues that you may have with your diabetes. Courses are offered both face to face and online.

BCHC App Library

BCHC App Library poster

Browse health and wellbeing apps approved by our team of healthcare professionals.

Health and wellbeing apps can help with preventing, managing and recovering from a huge range of mental and physical health issues.

But there are hundreds of thousands of health apps out there — not all of them are safe. How do you find trusted health and wellbeing apps? We have the answer!

Birmingham Community Healthcare has a Health App Library where you can find apps which have been independently reviewed to ensure they are:

  • safe
  • clinically approved
  • up-to-date
  • high quality
  • accessible and easy to use

We have collections of apps for:

  • people with diabetes
  • families with young children
  • teenagers and young adults
  • healthy eating
  • muscle, bone and joint problems

Many more apps can be found on the library website by searching the whole library for key words, for example dementia, or falls. You can filter your search, so you only see apps that are free, or are for a particular age group.

Professionals who work at Birmingham Community can also send app recommendations to you via email or text message. Your health or care professional may send you a health app if they feel it would be beneficial to you.



Send us feedback about an app you’ve used from our app library.


Watch the video below to find out more about the BCHC App Library and how to use it.

Our patients and their carers and families are the reason we're here, so we want to hear your views about the Trust and our services.