Supporting Adults at End of Life | Charity News Blog

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Supporting Adults at End of Life

A picture of an open bereavement memory box on a table; it's contents are a cream candle, two knitted pink hearts, a packet of forget-me-not seeds, a condolence card, and an information card on bereavement support resources.

Each year, BCHC Charity spends around £10,000 on items, initiatives, and projects to support patients, and their families and loved ones, accessing end of life care. These items help families build beautiful memories together, provide treasured keepsakes and aid families and carers in processing their grief.

Thanks to incredibly kind donations from Matt Nation of Provide, BCHC Charity were able to introduce Bereavement Memory Boxes for the families of patients in end of life care in 2020. The idea was brought to the charity by Ruth Denton, Head of Palliative Care, when it became clear that the pandemic would affect families and friends’ ability to grieve. The boxes are a way for families to celebrate the life of their loved ones and contain remembrance items such as memory candles and seeds to grow a forget-me-not plant. The boxes have an inset on the lid so that families can display a treasured photograph and are large enough that further personal trinkets and items can be added to create a box of wonderful memories.

Jeanette knitting hearts for the bereavement memory boxesSarah Turner, one of the Trust’s Enhanced Care Assistants, prepared a box for the son of a gentleman who passed away at West Heath Hospital. As well as the remembrance items funded by the charity, Sarah placed the gentleman’s glasses and watch inside the box, much to the appreciation of the son. “The son was very emotional when he was given the box”, says Sarah. “He said it was a really lovely thing to have, as he hadn’t expected to receive anything from the hospital.” Colleagues are also adding their own personal touches, such as signing condolence cards, to let families know how much they cared for their loved ones during their time under BCHC care.

Kind-hearted BCHC Charity supporters also knitted pairs of beautiful hearts which are also included in the box; one heart is given to the patient and the other to their family, to help provide a connection between them when they are unable to physically be together. Please contact the Charity Team if you would like to knit hearts for these boxes.

Members of staff hold up orange magnetsThe Charity has also recently funded a trial of contact detail magnets for the palliative care team to give out to those accessing end of life care. When a carer needs to contact the palliative care team, it is often a stressful and difficult time, and trying to find the right letter with the correct number can add unnecessary extra stress to the situation. The magnets are bright and orange so as to be noticeable and can be placed on any magnetic surface so that finding the correct number to call is quick and easy. Thanks to the success of this trial, the team are now providing these magnets to all new patients accessing the service.

As well as these initiatives, we also provide funding for one-off projects such as the refurbishment, redecoration and extra amenities for bereavement rooms, information cards, engraved leaves for our memorial tree at Willow House, and more. If you would like to donate to help support our palliative care initiatives, please visit our End of Life appeal page.

Our patients and their carers and families are the reason we're here, so we want to hear your views about the Trust and our services.

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