Opening the DAWs to Wellbeing | Charity News Blog

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Opening the DAWs to Wellbeing

2 members of the DAWs Team stand in front of a display which reads "Supporting people to be well and warm at home"

To mark the launch of the Direct Access to Wellbeing Services (DAWs) Team, funded thanks to an incredible grant to BCHC Charity from the safeguarding team from Cadent Gas, who are able to support projects such as these through the Vulnerability and Carbon Monoxide Allowance (VCMA), the charity hosted a free health and wellbeing event on Thursday 26 September at Villa Park.

Ellie Orton, CEO of NHS Charities Together, presents to a full room on the impact of NHS charitiesThe ground-breaking partnership will allow patients accessing the DAWs Team to receive energy efficiency equipment and tips, financial advice and support, and carbon monoxide detectors and information, as well as health advice, support with accessing wider NHS services, and access to health apps to help them manage any medical conditions.

The event kicked off with inspiring presentations throughout the morning from key speakers involved in the project, detailing how the partnership came to be and the original idea for the project, working together to make that vision a reality, and how the DAWs Team will make a significant positive impact on the Birmingham community. Suzanne Cleary, Chief Officer for Strategy Partnerships at BCHC NHS Foundation Trust, says, “BCHC Charity exists to go above and beyond what the NHS can provide. By working with Cadent, this project helps our most vulnerable patients and service users to get the best out of NHS services, helping people live well for longer within their communities.”

People chat with the exhibitors at the expoThe afternoon session was dedicated to helping people find out about local services and organisations that can help them to keep healthy and warm at home at our health and wellbeing expo. Over 360 people attended the event, accessing information on managing health conditions, how to register on the Priority Service Register, organising their budget, and much more. Attendees were also able to pick up energy saving equipment and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms, with tips on how to save energy. 

Mandeep, who has received support from the DAWs Team, said: “Before being introduced to the DAWs Team, my family had no heating or hot water for several months as I couldn’t afford to have my boiler repaired. It has been incredibly difficult for us to not be able to bathe or keep warm. I wouldn’t want anyone to go through what my family has been through.” The DAWS Team has provided Mandeep with energy efficient devices such as an electric blanket and a slow cooker, as well as energy and food vouchers to help with the costs associated with keeping well and warm. They also signposted her to a service that were able to replace her boiler for free. Mandeep says she now feels hopeful, knowing that she and her family can thrive, thanks to the intervention from the DAWs Team.

The Cadent stall at the expoThe expo included a variety of informational stands, including BCHC services such as the Immunisations Team, Resuscitation Team, and the Patient Experience Team, as well as other local services, charities, and organisations, such as Cadent Foundation & Centres for Warmth, Age UK, Gateway Family Services, Forward Carers, and many more. The team from Citizen Advocacy South Birmingham Area (CASBA), said “[The team were] Friendly and helpful. We had lots of interest on our CASBA stall. We had the falls preventions video, which was great to share with CASBA citizens, friends, and family.”

The event also hosted a stand dedicated to the BCHC App Library; an online tool designed to help people find approved apps to help manage their health conditions. Health and wellbeing apps can help with preventing, managing and recovering from a huge range of mental and physical health issues, and the app library helps users to find trusted, safe apps suited to their needs. One anonymous attendee reflected on the value of the app library, “This is such a good tool! It makes it so much easier to find an app that has been checked and tested. I am taking an extra card for my relatives.”

As part of the event, a group of 22 BCHC staff, patients, and their families were treated to a fantastic tour of the ground thanks to a kind donation of tour packages from AVFC to BCHC Charity. 

Adam Bunce-Sweeney, DAWs Team Manager, presents on the impact of the service thus farThe DAWs Team’s aim is to support those most vulnerable in our local communities and ensure they have access to the wider support available. This supports the charity’s mission of helping people live better for longer by helping people to be well and warm at home. Visit the Keeping Well and Warm webpage for more information about the team. 

BCHC Charity would like to offer their sincere thanks to Cadent Gas for bringing this project to life, Aston Villa Football Club for their support in delivering such a successful event and their incredible donation of tour packages, the volunteers from Allianz Insurance, Jumar, Aston University, ASDA, and Turner & Townsend for helping the event to run smoothly, and all the exhibitors for taking the time to help make a difference in Birmingham. Thank you.

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