Green Gym is a Go for BCHC Charity! | Charity News Blog

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Green Gym is a Go for BCHC Charity!

Members of BCHC and Caring Minds staff stand with councillor Izzy Knowles either side of a sign that reads Green Gym out in a garden. They are all flexing one arm and smiling.

BCHC Charity, in conjunction with funding from Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust’s charity Caring Minds and anonymous group called the 4 Tall Trees, have funded the installation of a new green gym near the Juniper Centre at Moseley Hall Hospital.

People using the cross trainer and other outdoor gym equipmentThe green gym offers an outdoor safe space for patients and staff to spend time working towards their fitness goals and prioritise their physical and mental wellbeing. The equipment includes an air walker, cross rider, body rotator, tai chi wheel, skier, body twist, and cycle, all of which will enable users to exercise various muscle groups as well as encouraging cardiovascular health through movement.

The green gym officially opened on Tuesday 10th October in celebration of World Mental Health Day. Sarah Binks, BCHC Charity Manager, attended the opening of the gym and said, “I want to say a big thank you to everyone that has come together not only to fund the green gym, but also support its installation and celebrate the launch event. As a community Trust we have over 100 sites across the city, and we hope this green gym will be the first of many to help enable our patients and colleagues focus on their wellbeing.”

A member of staff using the outdoor exercise bikeThe gym will be hugely beneficial to onsite staff, allowing them access to exercise equipment during breaks and before or after shifts, helping enhance morale and promote healthy living. The gym will enable busy staff to include exercise into their schedule without having to factor in any travel time or gym costs. Patients will also be able to access the equipment under the supervision of staff, providing an extra avenue for therapeutic exercise, as well as the opportunity to build up strength. The gym being outside will also allow for users to enjoy fresh air and get sunlight during their workouts, all beneficial for health and wellbeing.

Councillor for Moseley ward, Izzy Knowles said, “I was honoured to be asked to the opening of the new green outdoor gym… Exercise and fresh air are so important for our mental and physical health. This is a wonderful addition to facilities for patients, staff, and the local community.”

The gym has already received excellent feedback, and plans are now in the works for BCHC Charity to install further gyms at other BCHC sites across the city.

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