BCHC staff treating an adult patient


Speech and Language Therapy


A service for adults who have difficulty with communication or eating, drinking and swallowing.

About the Adult Inpatient SLT Service

The Inpatient Speech and Language Therapy Service covers adults who are currently inpatients on the following wards at Moseley Hall and West Heath Hospitals:

Moseley Hall Hospital:


West Heath Hospital:


*Discharge to Assess Wards offer a period of inpatient assessment to determine your ongoing needs ahead of discharge home or to a setting that best meets your needs.



How to refer?

For patients on general medical wards and the palliative care unit at Moseley Hall or West Heath Hospitals, referral can be made by ward staff via email to bchnt.sltinpatients@nhs.net using the referral form:

Inpatient SLT referral form (Word)

Inpatient SLT referral form (pdf)


This is a dysphagia (swallowing) only service.


Please provide as much detail as possible when referring patients and ensure all sections of the form are completed. If you are a relative and have concerns around a patient’s swallowing, please liaise with the nursing staff on the ward regarding a potential referral.


The Inpatient Stroke and Inpatient Neuro Rehab SLTs offer a service covering both swallowing (dysphagia) and communication issues.


All patients admitted to these wards are triaged by the SLTs based on these wards and new referrals can be made directly via the inpatient team on each ward.

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