Creating a Freedom to Speak Up culture | Our News

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Creating a Freedom to Speak Up culture

The BCHC Freedom to Speak Up Strategy 2023-2028 sets out the approach and commitment to creating a listening culture at Birmingham Community Healthcare over the next five years.

It will guide us in taking a systematic approach to listening to our staff, acting on what we hear, and learning from what we are told to improve the experience of our colleagues and the way we provide care to our patients.

Through this strategy, we will:

  • support everyone who works at BCHC to feel confident to speak up, where colleagues feel that they are listened to and can raise concerns safely.
  • nurture a 'speak up, listen up, and follow up' culture while ensuring it fits with our organisational vision and values.
  • establish a clear framework around which our services, clinical divisions and support functions can develop aligned plans that deliver our common aims for the future of the Trust.

The Freedom to Speak Up strategy is underpinned by our Trust vision of Best Care, Healthy Communities and our BCHC values. It supports the delivery of the overall BCHC strategy 2023 – 2028 and is inextricably linked to attaining the delivery of our three strategic objectives, with a particular focus on delivering safe, high quality care and becoming a great place to work.

It will express the ambitions of BCHC to provide an inclusive, systematic approach to listening to our staff, acting on what we hear, influencing positive change and learning from what we are told.

Click here to download the BCHC Freedom to Speak Up Strategy 2023-2028


David Disleyjones

Communications Manager
Communications Team

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